The Magic of REIKI

Thursday, December 22, 2005


Reiki New Moon Meditation

By Laurelle Shanti Gaia
For several years I have been studying the power of the cycles of the moon. Of particular interest are the experiences shared with new moon meditation groups when we invoke Reiki to assist in meditations, for personal growth and world service.
Components of the Reiki new moon meditation
Sacred Intention ... The spoken or written word that describes goals for healing or visions for creation offered with love and for the highest good of all.
Prayer ... An act of giving thanks for sacred intentions that have been stated and offered to the Divine for manifestation. A statement of faith and knowingness that the intention is fulfilled as it can be for the highest good.
Reiki . . . Spiritually guided life force energy, which never causes harm. True Reiki is channeled without interference from the ego, nor controlled by the personality. Reiki is totally guided by the infinite wisdom of the Divine. Reiki links sacred intention, prayer, moon energies and the ascended spiritual masters together as one powerful force for manifestation in the highest form.
Soul Linking . . . the act of conscious, energetic soul connections which take place between willing individuals to fulfill a specific portion of the Divine plan.
Moon Energies
The moon emanates distinctly different energies during the full cycle from new moon to full moon. Each of the eight cycles facilitates the process of creation and manifestation. The eight phases each have a duration of approximately 28 days. An example and definitition follow:
Day 1-31/2 New moon energy is for creating a vision
Day 31/2-6 Crescent moon energy if for organizing resources needed to accomplish the vision
Day 6-91/2First quarter moon is using resources gathered to take action toward fulfilling the vision
Day 10-131/2 Gibbous moon energy helps us fine tune our goals, gather opinions from others and make revisions to the plan.
Day 133/4-171/2 The light of the full moon brings about manifestation of, or progress toward our goals. We can see where we are in the process of realization of the plan.
Day 171/2-21 The disseminating moon helps us distribute and share what we have learned, or to have a clearer understanding of what to do next.
Day 21-241/2 In the third quarter of the moon we are in a completion and review phase, or following up on and refining the resources we gathered during the crescent moon. Re-evaluation takes place during this time to determine what is needed as a next step to move forward with the goal.
Day 241/2-282Under the balsamic moon it is time to be alone, meditate, retreat, and release attachment to outcome. It is time to rest and be introspective. During this time vision clears and we are ready to begin again with the next new moon.
Ascended Spiritual Beings
These can be well known Masters like Jesus, Buddha, Kwan Yin, Mother Mary, Maha Chohan, Hillarion, Lady Master Nada, etc. They can also be members of the angelic hierarchy, or highly evolved beings that we have yet to learn of.
Sacred intention
In working with these aspects with the Reiki New Moon Meditation we can focus on intentions such as personal goals for our work, family, relationships, health, finances, home, or any of the aspects of our earthly existence. We can intend to stay focused on our spiritual path, or ask for assistance in understanding or transmuting our karma.
We can also focus on world issues, like ample organic food for the world, peace among nations, humanity living in harmony with the earth, nurturing home environments for everyone, healthy relationships, a world where diversity is embraced as a strength, etc. Notice that we are not focusing on hunger, homelessness, war, etc. We are focusing on what we are creating, not on what we want to change, or are afraid of. The sacred intention is powerful when the vision is created in the highest form that you can imagine, but left up for manifestation by the Divine in the most perfect way.
Steps in the Reiki New Moon Meditation
1. Pray by giving thanks that you are clear and open channel for Reiki to flow through and that your personality and ego stand aside, so the Reiki will flow in its clearest and truest form. Give thanks that you are open to receive the guidance of angels and masters who have come forth to assist you.
2. Prepare you energy field by strengthening your light. To do this draw a large Usui power symbol in front of you and move the energy into you etheric field. Draw small power symbols over each of your charkas beginning at the base. Pause and beam Reiki into your energy field and toward your solar plexus and heart.
3. Call on the Divine, and the ascended spiritual masters and beings. Welcome them, and give thanks for their presence. Give them permission to assist you in creating your sacred intention, and helping you manifestation your visions.
4. Invoke the Usui mental/emotional symbol. Write down your sacred intention for this meditation. Include your personal goals, and also your intention for world service. It can also be helpful to draw something that represents your vision. A new moon journal is very helpful. Channel the mental/emotional Reiki energies into your written intention, and state your intention.
5. Invoke the Usui distant healing symbol imagining that you are creating a bridge of light from your heart to the hearts of all the spiritual beings who are assisting you, and all the other people who are joining in this group meditation around the world. Allow yourself to feel each soul linking with yours, and to feel the illusion of separation melt away, and you recognize the Oneness of all creation. Remember that Reiki transcends time and space. (note: if you are attuned to the Reiki Master or Karuna Reiki® symbols you can add them to the meditation)
6. Meditate and transmit Reiki for as long as you feel comfortable.
7. Give a prayer of thanks.
8. Draw a large power symbol over your body with the intention of disconnecting from the meditative process, and knowing that each person is disconnecting also and returning to their individual life expressions with clarity and aligned with their soul purpose.
The first few times you do this you may wish to refer to the above notes about the various aspects of the moon cycles to see where you are in the process. It is intriguing how often we find ourselves in full momentum and taking action on our goals and we check in with the moon cycle to find that we are in the first quarter phase; or we may realize that we are feeling withdrawn and introspective and then become aware that we are under the influence of the balsamic moon.
If you would like to join in a worldwide Reiki New Moon Meditation, please join with us. We meditate monthly on the second day of the new moon phase, as the new moon energies are growing in strength. I personally meditate at 6 a.m. mountain time, but I also time-capsule the meditation to link with all others who are participating anytime during that day. At each new moon I hold a vision of a world at peace, where humanity honors the earth and every person is living life as their higher self in every moment. Please join me to uphold this vision and allow the energy to empower your personal goals and world vision as well.
In the Light of the Creator . . . We See Only Love
The dates of the Reiki New Moon Meditations this year are:
2001 – Jul. 21, Aug. 20, Sep. 18, Oct.17, Nov. 16, Dec. 15
Laurelle is Editor of "Reiki News", and Director of the Teacher Licensing Program for the ICRT. Contact Laurelle by email or visit her website at


Healing for the Highest Good

by: Beth Simmons Stapor, PhD
It was just about 17 months ago when I first met Chuck. I learned that he had recently received a diagnosis of terminal cancer with about 6 months to live. When I approached Chuck to volunteer to give him Reiki treatments I saw a vital man with sparkling eyes and a wonderful smile. He was an inspiration to me from the beginning. We discussed his situation and what to expect from a Reiki treatment. A former client of mine, David, was standing by.
David told Chuck the difference he felt that the Reiki treatments had made in lessening the side effects of his chemotherapy. Chuck decided to give Reiki a try. I later learned from his wife that he came to the first several treatments with much skepticism.
Over the course of time, Chuck became a definite believer of Reiki to the point of driving 30 minutes from his house to my office on days when I wondered if he could even put one foot in front of the other as he walked into my office. I wish I could say that this was a story about a miracle healing. It is not. Chuck transitioned into the hands of Spirit two months ago.
This is however a story of miracles. When I teach my Reiki classes I talk to my students about Reiki being a technique of natural healing. I then tell them that healing is often looked at as a cure, a return to wellness when sometimes the ultimate healing is death. The miracles that surround this story concern Chuck and the healing that occurred within his family. Estrangements between many generations for often long forgotten reasons were put aside. Fathers and sons were once again able to visit each other. New relationships were formed and treasured. Chuck has always been a man who did things for himself. When I first got to know him he was in the process of building his retirement home. It was a struggle for him to realize that concessions had to be made to allow his body to have the strength to fight his disease. Reiki energy was sent to this during his sessions and he became a somewhat unwilling participant in the process. This is something else that I really stress to clients who are going through a major illness. It is best to look at their illness as a process. Each day for them to look at what has to be done to continue on the journey one step at a time.
I looked forward to Wednesdays at 10:45 AM the appointed time for Chuck's Reiki session each week. His sessions were not only time for me to do Reiki, but a time for us to talk about his week and his feelings. Often after he left I would sit for a few minutes in awe of his strength, his love for his family, and his determination to fight his illness to his last breath. He tried a variety of therapies. Several times it looked as if the end was near, then yet again another small miracle of healing that gave him more time. Both Chuck and I could feel changes in his body as the Reiki began to flow. Swelling in his abdomen was reduced, pain was relieved, and there were shifts and changes to the growing tumor in his liver. His last treatment in my office was just a month before he transitioned. I remember visiting him in the hospital after that and he told me he thought he was out of miracles, but commented on what a good battle he had fought.
Time came for his move from the hospital to home and hospice took over. Chuck had beaten the odds; his six months diagnosis flowed into eighteen months. I was phoned within 15 minutes of his transition. I took the drive up to his house to see him one last time. On the way up to his house, many images of Chuck flashed through my mind. In most of these mini-shots I saw his sparkling eyes and wonderful smile. Imagine my awe as I walked into say my final good-byes and to see, even in death, his face with a smile. I looked over at the priest who had come to say some last words over him and commented, "whatever he saw, I want to see someday. Look at his face". This was healing for the highest good.
Reiki was a very important part of Chuck's journey. The energy helped him on a physical level to relieve pain, to reduce the swelling in his abdomen, to reduce the size of the tumor in his liver. The Reiki treatments gave him needed energy to fight the disease. On an emotional level I believe the Reiki helped him reach out to mend bridges and set things straight with family members. Reiki helped him accept the restrictions of his illness and to let go of his old ways of doing things and to learn to ask for and accept help from others. His perception of how things should be done eased up. He began to take the naps he needed and to work a little and rest a little. Spiritually Chuck grew by leaps and bounds. I saw over the course of our time together his growing faith. We had many discussions about life and death. I told him that he was going to make one great angel and he smiled!
Beth Simmons Stapor, PhD is an ICRT Licensed Reiki Master, and a Licensed Counselor. Beth teaches internationally and makes her home in Cookeville, Tennessee. Contact Beth via email at or visit her website


Creating Prosperity with Reiki

By Laurelle Shanti Gaia
"Prosperity and abundance are my Divine birthright." How long has it been since you have made that statement? Has it been a month, a year, a decade…or never? Maybe intellectually you know that you live in an abundant universe, but do you FEEL it to be true?
Have you noticed the power of the collective creative consciousness recently? How many reports of troubled economic times have you heard since September 11th? How are such reports affecting you? Are you fearful that you may lose your job, or that your clients will stop coming, or that you will need to work harder and will no longer have time for spiritual practice, exercise or your family? If you have worried or felt fear, let me remind you of something a great man once said; "Just for today…do not worry and be filled with gratitude."
There is a reason Usui Sensei used those words in the Reiki principles, which are a foundation for all Reiki practitioners and teachers to blossom from. He recognized the power of our thoughts and our words. We often forget powerful statements like "thoughts are things" or "where the thoughts go, the energy flows". However, they are so very true. Whenever we create anything in our life, we must first have the thought of it. So it is very important to be aware of what we are thinking at all times. If we allow our thoughts to be those of fear and worry, we are empowering the very things we are concerned about to manifest in our life.
As Reiki practitioners we can accept the responsibility of using what we have learned to help the United States and the world to heal any sense of lack that is pervading the collective consciousness so that we all become the prosperous beings and nations that we truly are.
The basics of thought discipline are one factor in prosperity consciousness, but this becomes even more important once we are attuned to Reiki. Reiki has the ability to help us empower our thoughts, unite the mind with the heart, and transmute our words into pure light, and they become even stronger than the mere thoughts themselves.
I invite you to explore just exactly what prosperity and abundance mean to you. They take so many forms. The first thought that usually comes to people is money, or material things; but we know that loving relationships, spiritual practices, and doing work that we enjoy are also among the elements of prosperity and abundance.
Take a few moments and jot down keywords that describe what prosperity and abundance mean to you. When you have your list, take a moment and "tune in" to each word, one at a time. I suggest that you use the Reiki distant symbol to connect to the consciousness each word holds, and the mental/emotional symbol to help you discern how your thoughts and feelings respond.
For example, take that "M" word … money. How do you FEEL when you tune into the energy of money? What do you THINK about money? Do you feel and think … "YES…bring it on, I deserve to have all the money I need to live in a way that is comfortable for me, and that allows me to share with others." Try saying that. How do you feel, and where in your body do you feel the response to that thought? Is there any uneasiness? If so, where does it come from? Do you hear echoes of "money is the root of all evil" … "spiritual people should work for free" …"only special people have money", etc.
Try the same process with all the words on your list. Here are some phrases you might use. "I love my work", "I have a happy and loving marriage", "My children love and respect me", and "I am worthy of the time needed to nurture myself".
Those things that represent prosperity and abundance are available to all of us, not just special people. We each have within us all the answers, skills, and talents needed to create unlimited prosperity on all levels of our being.
We are each blessed with the creative power of the Divine heart-mind connection, and we can learn to work with Reiki to tap into the unlimited abundance that is our birthright. When we develop prosperity consciousness, everything we need to fulfill our highest purpose comes to us with ease.
We can attract anything we want into our life and truly realize our heart's desire.
Money, love, peace, and joy are all simply energy. We usually think of them only as we know them in the manifest plane i.e. what most people believe is reality. However, all things reside in all planes of existence and in all realms of consciousness. Thus, reality is actually multi-dimensional. What we often believe to be reality is simply a projection of how we are currently working with our hearts, minds and energy. We have power and ability to change anything we have created.
There are universal spiritual laws that govern abundance. Within the essence of these laws is the wisdom that that there is an ebb and flow to all aspects of our life. We can also learn that it is as important to receive as it is to give, and to recognize that we are limitless beings. The importance of holding pure intention that we are attracting those things that serve the highest good is also part of the wisdom. We can only experience prosperity if we have the things in our life that are meaningful to us personally, those things that hold the essence of the quality we want in our life rather than a quantity of something.
Humanity is awakening to a soul knowing of the power of the collective creative consciousness, or mastery of the heart-mind connection. We are learning to create a flow, a stream of resources into our lives, all of which support our Divine purpose.
When we feel constrained, or that what we need is not flowing to us with ease, this is a good time to take inventory. What things or elements of our life are we holding in the present that no longer serve us? When we can identify these things, we can then recognize each of them as energy. The energy that they hold is taking up space in our lives; space that could be used to hold new and exciting things that support us in the present moment.
In letting go of the old, we make room for the new. When we have outgrown aspects of our life, it is time to send these things out into the Universe so that they can serve someone else. This may mean that you sell what you don't need, or perhaps you make donations, or release a relationship or a job. Let these things go, and when the releasing process is complete for the moment, pause to experience how you feel. You have just created space in your life to receive the blessings the Universe has for you.
Be sure that in letting go, you are releasing into areas that you feel in harmony with. For example if you feel you have a lack of money in your life, it can be disempowering to become miserly and spend money on only what you feel you "need". It is empowering to share money, even if it is just a little, by spending it on something that enhances your quality of life. By doing this you are putting energy out that empowers others who are working to help humanity awaken to a more peaceful, joyous, prosperous existence. When you do this you make room for money that improves your life to flow in to you as well.
Now you can use Reiki to assist in magnetizing infinite blessings into your life, in the perfect form at the perfect time.
Create a list of the things that you feel will enhance the quality of your life, and support the highest good of all. If you aren't sure what your list should contain, you can use Reiki to help you. Simply use the same process I defined above. Invoke the distant and mental and emotional symbols to make the heart mind connection with each of the things on your list. Pay very close attention to how you feel when you think of them. What is the energetic essence each holds and how do you sense that they will add to the quality of your life?
Once you have your list, you may wish to enter into a 21-day process of magnetizing these things into your life with Reiki. Each day use the distant, mental/emotional and power symbols by drawing them, or visualizing them, or invoking their names. Once you have called the energy in, hold your list in your hands and send the Reiki energy into it. Now, take a moment to verbally acknowledge all the things in your life that you are thankful for. Let the Reiki flow until it slows, stops or feels complete. Of course it is also important to close the session with a prayer.
In closing I would like to remind you of this thought. Just for today, do not worry and be filled with gratitude for all the blessings that are currently in your life, and that are flowing to you every moment.
Laurelle Shanti Gaia is the Director of the ICRT Teacher Licensing Program, author of "The Book On Karuna Reiki", "The Infinite Spectrum-Color Healing Program", and "Sacred Circles". She can be reached via her website at


A Personal Healing Program

by William Lee Rand
Each of us comes into this existence with a unique set of personal qualities that include aptitudes that can develop into skills and abilities. Also there are often challenging situations that affect us. Like the rudder on a boat, our choices determine what direction we take in life and what possibilities we explore and develop. When we are confronted with difficulties, as well as opportunities, it is how we deal with them that determines how they affect us. So it is important that we use our ability to choose wisely. A life well lived is a life of growth, a life of healing and development.
As we look back on our lives, it is easy to see turning points where we made a choice that had a powerful effect on where our life went and who we became. By thinking about our past choices and where they have taken us, it is possible to learn from our experiences and improve our ability to choose. Life is filled with many possibilities, and it is important to realize that sometimes it is the more difficult decision that brings us the greatest benefit.
If you are ill in any way or if you are experiencing any part of your life that is less than what you would like, know that it is possible to change, to heal, and to create the kind of life you want. If you want something you don't have, then the most important thing you need to do is to choose this for yourself. Then take action.
The universe is always in a state of balance. A problem, difficulty or challenging situation cannot exist unless its solution exists at the same time. If you want to solve a problem, the first thing you must do is to decide that you are going to find the solution.
Here is a law of the mind, a law of life that is very important to understand. Definiteness of purpose, sustained over time always produces results. Think about that! It always produces results! This is the most important concept you can focus on in terms of personal healing and accomplishment. If you want to heal, you need to form this into a definite purpose and pursue it with a passion and stay with it until you are healed. The mind is like a magnet. It attracts what it thinks about most, the stronger the thoughts the stronger the attraction. If you want to heal yourself, or develop any positive quality, it is very important for you to make a clear decision that this is what you are going to do. As you hold this thought in your mind with the definite belief, and knowingness that you will achieve your result, you will attract to yourself all the resources and people you need to create the results you want.
We each have special talents, qualities and gems of value that we may not be fully expressing or perhaps not expressing at all. We were born on this planet to fulfill a purpose and that purpose is to discover our truth, who we are, what makes us unique, take possession of this precious part of ourselves and express it to the world.
Regardless of the life situation you find yourself in, it is possible for you to heal or to improve yourself and your life in a most definite way.
Reiki is a powerful tool for healing and personal growth. Its energy comes from the highest spiritual source and because of this, it will always create the best results for all concerned. It can be used to heal the body, the mind or the spirit; and can also guide us through life. It can help us develop latent talents and improve the quality of everything we do. So, if healing and personal development is what you want to accomplish, if you have not already done so, take a Reiki class.Self-Healing ProgramIn developing your personal Reiki self healing program it is important to take the time to try different techniques. As you do so, be aware of the results and if the technique seems to be moving you toward your goal. If it is, continue with it, if it is not, try something else. In this way, you will develop a personal system of healing that is exactly right for you. This will greatly improve your results. There are many ways to use Reiki and I would like to present a few ideas and techniques that are powerful and effective.
Self-TreatmentsUse of self-treatments is an important part of any Reiki healing/self improvement program. Set aside 15 to 30 minutes each day to give yourself a Reiki treatment. This can be a complete treatment using all the hand positions or you could use Byosen scanning and treat only those areas you are guided to. While giving yourself Reiki, your vibration will go up and as this happens I suggest you allow yourself to contemplate the various activities taking place in your life. As you do this, it is likely that you will find healthy new attitudes developing about issues in your life, as well as receive creative ideas on how to deal with them. In order to keep track of this, I suggest you get a notebook to write these ideas in and then use them in your action plans.
Personal Healing AllianceReceiving treatments from others is also important and in fact, this is probably the most important thing you can do to keep your Reiki energy strong. I suggest you go one step further and develop a personal healing alliance. To do this, find someone you can trust who also has a health or life issue they want to heal. Meet at least once a week to exchange Reiki sessions and share what has happened since your last meeting. Form an agreement between yourselves that you will support each other completely in finding solutions to your issues and becoming completely healed. Be willing to share everything and keep what you share in your meetings strictly confidential. Use all the creativity and inspiration that comes up to solve your issues or achieve your goals. During the week set aside time to send distant Reiki to each other. You can also call each other on the phone if something comes up. These meetings must be taken seriously and it is important to focus on the steps listed above and not allow them to slip into just a social event. This is a very powerful process and will bring deep and very meaningful levels of healing.
Reiki Affirmations and PrayersReiki can be used in a powerful way to enhance affirmations and prayers. Place your healing goal or desired accomplishment on a 3x5 card. Using energy, draw Reiki symbols over the card. I recommend using all three Reiki II symbols and any others you may have. Then hold the card between your hands and give the card Reiki. As you do so, repeat your affirmation and/or say a prayer giving thanks that your goal has been achieved or that your healing has taken place. Say your affirmation and/or prayer over and over. Do this with conviction at least once a day. You can also carry the card with you and repeat this process whenever you have a spare moment during the day.Going Aganist the IssueA process that will accelerate healing is to go against the issue and use Reiki to heal the feelings and energies that come up. If you have a fear of doing something, go ahead and do it anyway - go against the fear. This process restimulates dormant psychological feelings causing them to come to the surface where you can more easily use your Reiki to heal or release them. It takes courage, but it is very powerful. Have a Reiki friend work with you to help if possible. As an example, if you have a fear of public speaking, go ahead and arrange to give a speech. Before the speech give yourself Reiki, and focus on any feelings that are coming up. After and even during the speech, give yourself Reiki focusing on the feelings. Or, if you have a fear of meeting people, decide to attend a party and deliberately introduce yourself to people at the party. Give yourself Reiki before, after and during the party if possible. If it is too scary to physically do it, then just imagine doing it in your mind and direct Reiki to the feelings as they come up. After treating the issue in this way, at some point you will be able to do it for real. When using this process, it is important to use common sense and not engage in any activities that could be dangerous.Raising Your VibrationAnything that will raise your vibration will help you heal more quickly. Doing things such as improving your nutrition, developing an exercise program, meditation, getting adequate rest and sleep, massage, yoga exercises or stretching, Tai Chi, social activities and other forms of entertainment will act to raise your vibration. As your vibration goes up, it will be easier for you to gain insight into your situation and create more effective solutions. It will also cause all other forms of healing to work better. Use of Other ModalitiesRemember that Reiki works in a very positive way with all other forms of healing. So, with your clear intention, and the use of Reiki energy you may be guided to other healing resources. Be on the lookout for these additional healing methods. Methods such as other techniques, changes in diet, the use of herbs, and homeopathic remedies, etc. These could greatly improve your healing process.
Medical and Psychological CareThere are many excellent medical doctors and psychologists who are open to alternative healing. If you have a medical or psychological condition, it is important that you get their advice and follow it if you feel guided to do so. If you have a serious condition and surgery or drugs are recommended, it is important to get a second opinion before deciding what to do. Remember, Reiki works in harmony with medicine and psychology and there may be some important and even necessary therapies they can offer. It is important to consider them when developing your healing program.
These are a few ways to use Reiki to create your personal healing program. Your inner guidance and your clear intention will cause you to discover others not mentioned here. Being fully engaged in this process is necessary if you are to derive the greatest benefit. To quote Helen Keller, "Life is an exciting adventure, or nothing at all." You are the one who decides which way it will be for you. The challenges we face in life contain the lessons we are here to learn. Do not withdraw from them, nor attempt to solve them half heartedly, but instead, fully embrace them. Accomplishment of a worthy personal goal brings with it more than just the results you were looking for. It also brings the certain knowledge that we can change and create the kind of life we want. In the end, when we examine our lives, it is not so much what we know in our heads that is important, nor even what we do, but what we become.
William Lee Rand is the founder and president of The International Center for Reiki Training, author of Reiki, The Healing Touch, Reiki for a New Millennium, and with Arjava Petter and Walter Lübeck, The Spirit of Reiki, editor in chief of The Reiki News Magazine, and developer of Karuna Reiki®. He has taught Reiki classes internationally for the past 12 years.


The Reiki Symbols

One of the joys of Reiki is learning and using the Reiki symbols. We are more connected to the source of divine guidance, intelligence and power once we are attuned to Second Degree Reiki and given the symbols. The power of the symbols becomes clear to us when we begin to use them. How and what they can be used for is a question often asked. The symbols and their uses are discussed at length in 'Reiki: The Healing Touch,' the Reiki I & II manual by William Rand. This article describes the power symbol and the mental/emotional symbols in ways that I have been inspired to use them.
Being a visual person, I have found that the symbols, if I look at them in a certain way, often tell me what they do. The lines and the shapes of the symbols have a meaning and energy of their own.
The Power Symbol
The power symbol, when translated, means 'put the power of the universe here.' The top horizontal line represents 'shiva' or the male energy of the universe. The line coming down represents the energy coming down to earth or down the spinal column. The spiral represents 'shakti,' the female, or earth energy. The spiral then crosses the vertical line seven times representing the seven chakras.
To me, that spiral often represents a cocoon of protective energy, much like being in a labyrinth. The power symbol can be used to create a sacred or protective space around you. You can imagine yourself within that spiral, protected by Reiki energy. If you feel threatened by people around you, or are surrounded by negativity, you can imagine yourself within that labyrinth and the Reiki energy creates a protective field around you. The energy vibrates around you and sends the energy out as well. Another example is that if someone is verbally attacking you, you can envision a power symbol in front of you, protecting you like a shield and keeping their negativity out of your energy field.
Before I send my children to school each morning, I put a power symbol over the top of their head with the intent that they are surrounded and protected by Reiki energy all day. This can be done with pets as well.
Putting the power symbol on each chakra and in the palms of your hands, clears your channel and empowers your hands before giving a treatment. Placing the power symbol over the crown of the person's head creates a cocoon of Reiki energy around the client and a sacred space to work in. Putting the symbol over the back of the heart and end of the spine (low back) when you end the treatment seals the energy in.
The power symbol can be visualized in the palm of your hand when you go to shake someone's hand. This way you are bringing the power of Reiki to your encounter and giving the other person a blessing.
Placing the power symbol on medication before you take it has the effect of helping your body to receive the medication with the least side effects. The power symbol placed over your meal before you eat serves as a blessing for the food, removal of negative energies by anyone that handled the food, and receiving the food so that it truly nourishes your body.
One of my favorite ways to use the power symbol is when I fly. I have a Reiki ritual that includes visualizing the distant healing symbol laying down in front of the plane and becoming a 'Reiki bridge' of safety to my destination. Then I imagine the power symbol spiral coming down over the nose of the plane to the tail (including the wings), placing the entire plane in a protective cocoon of Reiki energy.
The Mental/Emotional Symbol
This symbol translates to mean 'God and humanity become one.' The sharp angles on the left side of the symbol represent logical, linear, or male side of the brain. The curves on the right side represent the intuitive, creative, imaginative or female side or right brain. So one can see how using this symbol balances the left and right sides of the brain and helps in any mental (thinking, analyzing, studying) or emotional (feeling) situation.
The mental/emotional symbol can be used on yourself (or others) when feelings of fear, anxiety, anger or depression come up. The Reiki energy helps to calm the emotion and help one see clearly. It is often said that many illnesses begin as blocked emotions. The next time an uncomfortable emotion (fear, sadness, anxiety, anger) comes up (for you or your client), don't try to stop it. It is there for a reason. Take a deep breath, activate the symbol, place your hands on your heart chakra and solar plexus chakra and give yourself Reiki. Imagine the power symbol there as well. Stay with the emotion and allow yourself to feel it. Wait with it. Thank it for coming up. And then release it.
Other uses for the mental/emotional symbol are when trying to learn something new. You can place the symbol on the paper or book, asking that Reiki energy help you to understand it more easily or clearly. Or, place your hands on top of your head, activate the symbol, and allow it to relax your brain so concepts or ideas will enter (and stay) more readily.
This symbol is also helpful in healing relationships. This can be between friends, lovers, family, peers, bosses, etc. What the Reiki energy does when this symbol is used is harmonize the situation between people. It helps calm the emotions so one can see the situation clearly or see it from the other person's perspective. Reiki cannot be used to control the relationship, but works for the highest good. Reiki brings about the best outcome for the relationship and/or the situation.
A visualization that I use when asking for healing between two people is to imagine that the two people are standing on opposite sides of the mental/emotional symbol. The Reiki energy comes up like a cloud of smoke and fills the symbol. The energy then comes out of the symbol and surrounds the two people involved in a cocoon of Reiki energy so that they are bathed in healing energy.
These are just a few ways that you can use the symbols. Allow yourself to work with them more closely, feel their energy, meditate with them, and let them tell you what they do.


December 2005  


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